My work is often colored by what I am reading. These paintings are rooted in the words of the Spanish poet and playwright, Federico Garcia Lorca (1898 - 1936).

- Lorca 1 “My heart of silk is filled with lights, with lost bells,
- with lilies and bees”
- (from the poem "Balada de La Placeta")
- Oil on Canvas, 12” x 12”, 2006

- Lorca 2 “The small boy was looking in a drop of water for
- his voice”
- (from the poem "El Nino Mudo")
- Oil on Canvas, 12” x 12”, 2006

- Lorca 3 “Green, how I love you, green! Green wind. Green
- branches. The ship on the sea and the horse on the
- mountain.”
- (from the poem "Romance Sonambulo")
- Oil on Canvas, 12” x 12”, 2006

- Lorca 4 “No one is sleeping in this world. No one, no one “
- (from the poem "Ciudad Sin Sueno")
- Oil on Canvas, 12” x 12”, 2006