This is the first piece in a new mixed media series.

- Untitled (Hidden Deer)
- Fabric, Toys, Paper, Acrylic
- 8" x 10"
- Sold
The works in this section are older and they continue to influence my thinking about the art-making process.


- Cold Growth
- (Orignally called Beginning with Eve: Digestion of Knowledge,
- Circulation of Self-Awareness this piece is now in its second
- manifestation)
- Oil, Acrylic, Canvas, Linen, Tulle, Plastic, Wax, Fire
- Approximately 70" x 76", 2004

- The Pelican
- Oil on Board, Tulle, Spackle, Plaster, Wax, Seaweed
- 23 3/4" x 47 3/4" x 2 3/4", 2004

- Sacrifice
- Oil, Canvas, Wood, Plaster, Plastic, Wax, Seaweed, Bones, Fire
- 16" x 24" x 8", 2004
“Corset” examines the idea of self-containment- what is kept hidden beneath the surface and what is given away.

- Corset
- Fabric, Lace, Wax, Paint
- 14" x 16" x 10", 2004